
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ece 585 Project 2 Spring 13 Ver1 Simulation of Cpu, Cache, Bus, and Memory Datapath

ECE 585 Project 2 Spring 13 ver1 example of mainframe, Cache, Bus, and Memory Datapath 1. INTRODUCTION Project 2 is due Thurs Apr 11 EOD. You may work as groups of up to two. Submit your fib to the Project 2 folder in the Electronic Black Board for the course. NO OTHE grad OF SUBMISSION OR LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. In this project, you result simulate a CPU, lay away, bus, and memory decomposable for a desexualise of program lines with emphasis on the cache accomplishment. The over entirely chock up diagram is shown in Figure 1. Bus Cache Memory CPUFigure 1 Overall head off Diagram The goal of this project is to provide you with a more matter-of-fact hands-on approach to computer architecture plan problems. The central processor complex you provide be excogitationing is a 32- number version of the MIPS processor however, the instruction stage apart will be a small subset of the unfeigned MIPS ISA. You should implement the end to end operation of the co mplex utilizing the VHDL computer hardware descriptive language. You may use any constructs within the VHDL language, however, the throw moldiness be of your own. Copying of any form from any other schoolchild or any internal or external sources is illegal and will not be accepted.The processor supports the three instruction formats R-format, I-format, and J-format as depict in the text book and lectures. Table I Summarizes the core set of instructions for your ISA. The memory is assumed to be byte checkressable and each discourse is 32 bits. Table I Core MIPS Instruction primp to be fleshed (with example) OpCode 31 26 100011 101011 000000 000100 Function Field 5 0 100000 -Instruction lw sw add beq (Custom set) Operation lw $s1, 200($t3) sw $s3, 100($t4) add $s3, $t3, $t2 beq $s5, $t6, 400The total set you need to design is the core set as above + a custom set designated for you as follows. Student ID ending in 1. BNE, LUI 2. NOR, SLL 3. ADDI, LUI 4. BNE, LUI 5. NOR, LUI 6. ANDI, JR 7. BNE, LUI 8. NOR, LUI 9. ANDI, JR 0. ADDI, LUI 2. Implementation Details 2. 1 CPU You need to treat the CPU as a catch diagram and show only the inputs, returns and the changes in the Register file. Note that all the source values for the instructions are derived from the CPU biographys and immediate value in the instruction itself.The results will also be stored in the register except for the store instruction. For both load and store instructions, ALU operation is needful for address calculation. You need not simulate the detailed internal operation of the CPU complex 2. 2 Bus Used only for polish off of vocalises and blocks. The bus (between cache and memory) has the following specifications Bandwidth of 32 invents/ motorbike. 2. 3 Cache/Bus/Memory Specifications The focus of the cover is on the cache operation. The cache has the following specifications 1.sizing 256 Byte I-cache, 128 Byte D-cache block size of 8 words word size of 4 Bytes 2. The cache access time is 1 cycle 3. Direct Memory access approach is used for cache block placement 4. The parameters for cache operation include IHc (Icache hit), DHc (Dcache hit) and crappy bit set flag for a block to be re placed (dbset) The memory has the following specifications 1. Size 1,024 Bytes Byte addressable 2. Memory port access time is 5 cycles/word for reads 3 cycles/word for writes. 3. Additional memory read time 3 cycles/word, write time 4 cycles/word Additional common specifications 1.The instruction address is available in the Program Counter (PC) the accessed instruction is placed in the Instruction Register (IR) the information read (for loads) is loaded in the Memory Data Register (MDR) all are 32 bit registers. Additional student specific specifications Last digit of student ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Write Strategy Write Thru Write clog up Write Thru Write seat Write Thru Write Thru Write back Write back Write back Write Thru Write flatten Strategy Write divvy up No-write allocate No-write allocate Write assign Write Allocate Write Allocate No-write allocate Write Allocate No-write allocate No-write allocateGeneral Guidelines 1. All parameters must be defined as variables (or data inputs) so that different parameters can be used for testing your code. 2. You should pen your code with appropriate/sufficient comments so that the code is self explanatory. 3. You may use additional meaningful assumptions and state them clearly in your report. 4. fragment 5 provides some useful hints for cache operation. 3. Test Program Design a test program to verify the operation of your code. It needs to cypher for the following variables PC address value range of PCs for the instruction type (e. . 0-500 ALU_BR type 504-600 Loads 604-700 stores) Icache hit flag (1 or 0) Daddr Dcache hit flag (1 or 0) range of addresses (dbaddr1 to dbaddr2) for which the dirty bit is set. Your output should explicitly indicate which type of instruction is complete after design of the operation. 4. Report You are required to turn in a report that describes the design along with the VHDL code. The report should be typed, well written, and well organized. The suggested limit of the report are as follows An overview of your design Appropriate sections to convey your report A discussion on how you tried to optimize your design A discussion on any improvements or additional features made to your design A discussion on what does not work correctly in your design An overview block diagram of your design. A sample simulation of your design that is annotated to show its correct operation. Copying of code will not be acceptable. Any code copied will automatically result in a 0 for your project and may be subject to additional disciplinary action.Start the project right away Good luck and have pleasure 5 Hint Basic operations are summarized in the following. ravish note that you need to modify it appropriately to account for placement/replacement, dirty bit status, write strategies, write miss strategies etc. ICache hit PC IAddr bus ICache miss IR mem bus cache IR CPU ALU/branches ALU_BR do Instr Type, (Daddr) Load (Daddr) MDR Dcache hit (Similar to Icache miss) Dcache miss Dcache hit Dcache Store DONE MDR Load DONE Store (Daddr) Dcache miss bus Mem

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